Class Supply List

ADIN - Adobe InDesign - Natalia Slattery

How to access Adobe products:

Adobe programs work on a subscription basis, meaning you pay either for individual programs by the month, or for the entire Adobe Creative Cloud. Once you subscribe, you are able to download your chosen programs to your computer.

Minimum System Requirements:

Adobe products have certain minimum requirements to run. I recommend making sure students have at least 30GB of free space on their hard drive and that they work on a desktop or laptop computer with an updated operating system.

InDesign System Requirements:

Downloads and Pricing:

Students have several options for Adobe subscriptions plans, including taking advantage of free trials and discounts for university students. Below I have laid out several possible plans with links to the download pages.

Creative Cloud Pricing and Plans:

  • Creative Cloud All Apps: from $52.99/mo for individuals; $19.99 for students and teachers (with university email address) for an annual contract.
  • Individual Apps: Each individual app is $20.99/mo for individuals, making the All Apps bundle a better deal for an annual contract.

Please note that the annual plan (paid monthly or at once) is an annual contract and you would have to contact Adobe to cancel your subscription and might incur fees if you cancel before the annual contract is up. If you subscribe month-to-month, you can cancel at any time but the monthly cost is higher ($79.49/mo for all apps, or $31.49/mo per app).

The free trial period for Adobe programs is 1 week.

Adobe Creative Cloud apps can be downloaded onto two devices, so if you would like to split your subscription with a friend or classmate, that may help lower the cost.

Using an older version? Some people may have older versions of these programs from before Adobe switched to the subscription model. Students are welcome to use these versions as many of the foundational tools are the same, but should know that the class will be taught on the latest version and some tools may be unavailable to students using an older version.