Join us for the Boston Tee Hee Party Standup show featuring local up and coming comedians in the scene, hosted by Antonio Morales who will headline the show by doing onstage comedy tarot readings for the audience!
Friday, 7-8:30pm. September 13
Tickets: $10
Antonio Morales (Host/Headliner): Antonio Morales is a Boston based comedian, tarot reader, and overall creative. He hosts and produces his own standup show, The Boston Tee Hee Party, along with his own solo tarot reading comedy show, It's Tarot Time! He uses his experiences growing up queer, Hispanic, and overall fabulous to help turn the boo hoos into woo hoos!
As the headlining act, Antonio will choose volunteers at random to read their cards on stage with a little bit of sass, humor, and insight. It's not too scary! *wink*
Check them out on Instagram: @antoniomorales_1
Connor Doherty: (he/him) is a Boston-based comedian, finalist of the 2024 Boston Comedsy Festival, and TikToker (unfortunately). His comedic style can be best described as “gay” and “concerning.”
Check them out on Instagram: @connordiddle
Steph Dalwin: (she/her) is a Boston-based standup comedian. She draws inspiration from her upbringing in a Vietnamese and Jewish household and in everyday situations like shopping while plus size, trips to the grocery store, and her quest for the perfect chicken nugget. Steph recently performed at the Far From Here Comedy Festival in Toronto and opened for Jay Jurden.
Check them out on Instagram: @stephdalwin
Vasundhra Sangar: Vasundhra Sangar is a Somerville-based comedian who started her joke journey through standup classes at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education and sketch writing and performance classes at ImprovBoston. She started performing in 2019 and has been on anxiety-induced hiatus since the pandemic.
Check them out on Instagram: @vsangar_23
Kristina Feliciano: Kristina Feliciano is an actress, singer and comedian from Brooklyn, NY. She’s opened up for Jay Jurden, and when she’s not performing standup she does musical sketch comedy with her team, Bloomsday.
Check them out on Instagram: @kristinacracksmeup