Aaron Burr: Black Sheep of the Founding Fathers *Online* *NEW*

Yes, he shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel. But Burr is so much more than that, a complex individual who was a major figure in the politics of the early Republic, for better and worse. He would rise to be Vice President, and yet also be put on trial for treason to the United States. He would at various times be the ally and the enemy of Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson.The great love of his life was a married woman, but he found time to father some bastards. And he was in more than one duel. It’s time to let Aaron Burr step out from Hamilton’s shadow and be seen for who he was and all the other things he did. Handouts and bibliography provided. Instructor: Brian Bixby



Start Date

August 8, 2024









4 Thursdays, 3-5pm. Begins Aug. 8

This class will meet online using Zoom. The Zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you. Please also check your spam folder.
If you register 12 hours or less before the class begins or after the start date, please contact zoom@ccae.org for the link.

Instructors: Brian Bixby


Brian Bixby

Brian holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He teaches history courses he hopes his students will enjoy and from which he himself will learn more.