French Summer Tarts *In-Person*

What better way to celebrate summer than with two classic summer tarts - a Tarte aux Fruits Frais avec Crème Pâtissière and a Tarte au Citron! What to expect…. You will make: a Pâte Sucrée pastry dough to use for both tarts. For the Fruit Tart - a crème pâtissière and a glaze to give the fruit a classic professional shine. For the Tarte au Citron - a lemon curd. At the end of class you will have created two tarts fit for the window of a Parisian Pâtissière!Included in the class is a recipe packet (both printed and .pdf file sent after class) listing tools needed and recipes for items made in class. Instructor: Evelyn Schichner



Start Date

August 22, 2024









Thursday, 6-9pm. Aug. 22. The cost of tuition includes all food materials and fees.

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: Evelyn Schichner


Evelyn Schichner

Evelyn's culinary journey began early in life, sparked by a deep-seated interest in baking and cooking. Raised in a military family, she was exposed to diverse cultures and cuisines, laying the foundation for her culinary exploration. However, it was her introduction to Julia Child on PBS that ignited her passion for French cooking. Inspired by Julia's authentic recipes and infectious joy in the kitchen, Evelyn adopted a similar approach, emphasizing enjoyment and creativity in her culinary pursuits.

Several decades ago, Evelyn took her fascination with French cuisine to the next level by attending a week-long cooking school in Arles. This immersive experience was so enriching that she subsequently embarked on another week-long class in Paris, where she delved into the intricacies of classic French cooking. Today, she continues to frequent both Paris and the Provence region, eagerly absorbing new techniques and recipes with each visit, expanding her culinary repertoire.

Armed with a wealth of knowledge and a growing library of recipes, Evelyn has adeptly adapted French cooking methods to the American kitchen. Now, she is enthusiastic about sharing her expertise with others, eager to pass on her passion for French cuisine and empower aspiring cooks to explore the delights of French cooking in their own homes.