Salvete Romani: Latin Intermediate Level 2 *Online*

Latin gives access not only to Classical texts, but also to more than 1000 years of texts written in Europe and North Africa since the fall of the Roman Empire. In this class, students will work on developing a core Latin vocabulary and understanding the basics of Latin grammar, with a focus on Latin’s linguistic connections to English. Students who have completed our Intermediate Level 1 class are now familiar with the entire present active system and the first three declensions-it's now time for the perfect active system! The perfect active system will further open the world of Latin literature to you. This class is for students who have completed at least our Latin Intermediate Level 1 class. Instructor: Joan Brunetta



Start Date

June 18, 2024









8 Tuesdays, 5:30-7pm. Begins Jun. 18

This class will meet online using Zoom. The Zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you. Please also check your spam folder.
If you register 12 hours or less before the class begins or after the start date, please contact for the link.

Instructor will provide all materials.

Instructors: Joan Brunetta


Joan Brunetta

Joan Brunetta is a native Cantabrigian and was first introduced to Latin at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School as a high school freshman. She quickly developed a love of the language and went on to minor in Classics at Smith College. Joan especially loves teaching beginners and introducing students to the many connections between the Latin and English languages. She also teaches private lessons and lessons for children and can be reached at