Knitting for Beginners Mini-Course: Knit Your First Hat! *In-Person* *NEW*

You know how to knit, purl, and cast on. You’re ready to take your basic knitting skills to the next level and knit a beanie-style hat! Learn to knit in the round, decrease stitches, and read a pattern as we knit this cute beanie together. Comes with a kit: beanie pattern, circular needles, double pointed needles, yarn, a tapestry needle, and stitch markers. Instructor: Laura Broach



Start Date

July 17, 2024









3 Wednesdays, 7:45-9:45pm. Begins Jul.17

This class will meet in-person at CCAE with a limited student capacity. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: Laura Broach


Laura Broach

Laura Broach is a Cambridge Public School teacher who has been passionate about knitting for almost her entire life. Her favorite yarns are natural fibers, like alpaca and merino, and she especially loves discovering beautiful hand-dyed yarns. Her favorite colors to use are blue and green – and sometimes a pop of orange. Her favorite items to knit are sweaters, socks, hats, shawls, and mittens; and she wears only hand-knit socks in the winter. Finally, her favorite places to knit are boats, trains, and planes; on the beach; on her patio or porch; and, most often, on her sofa with her labradoodle Luca curled up nearby.