Nicole Chininis
Nicole is a cis White woman from a predominantly White community in New Hampshire, created by redlining, racist policies of exclusion, including the creation of sundown towns. Benefitting from White privilege, Nicole knew little of the racial inequities that riddle our nation until her time in college, where she studied the effects of globalization, social justice, and sustainability. During her nine years as an advisor in international education in a higher education institution, she worked with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Multicultural Center to address racial, systemic inequities. Nicole has worked as a project manager in a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consulting firm, and currently works as a DEI specialist for a non-profit organization. She continues to work in the community as a mentor through Minds Matter Boston, and serves on MMB’s IDEA Volunteer Board. Nicole has committed herself to lifelong anti-racism work, including facilitating with WPCR.