Spanish: Intermediate 2 *Online*
This level is for students who feel comfortable with their Spanish in everyday situations and would like to practice more complex grammar (e.g., subjuntivo en presente) in order to be able to express opinions, feelings and wishes on a variety of topics. Students will have the opportunity to work on all four language skills with exercises, readings, writings and discussions. Instructor: Luz Elena Zuluaga
9 Thursdays, 5:30-7pm. Begins Jan. 9
This class will meet online using Zoom. The Zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you. Please also check your spam folder.
If you register 12 hours or less before the class begins or after the start date, please contact for the link.
Please note, this class requires the purchase of a textbook: Aula Internacional 3 Plus (ISBN: 978-8418032226)
Instructors: Luz Elena Zuluaga
Luz Elena Zuluaga
Luz has taught Spanish for over 15 years. Luz has instructed both beginners and advanced Spanish to students and business executives alike. Luz is a graduate of La University Pontificia Bolivariana en Medellín, Colombia.