Odyssey of Ancient Classics: Ovid's Metamorphoses *Online* *NEW*

The Metamorphoses is made up of dozens of interlocking myths, each involving a metamorphosis (transformation) in some way. Ovid’s telling of these myths has inspired innumerable works of visual art and literature in the more than 2,000 years since he wrote it. In this class, we will read his work in translation and discover some of the art and literature inspired by his work. The focus of this class will be the books 7-15. You don’t need to have read books 1-6 to participate in this class. 2023 brought us two new translations of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, both of which attend to Ovid’s depiction of sexual violence in new ways. We will pay special attention to how these newer translations differ from older ones.
Required text: A translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, either C. Luke Soucy's (2023) or Stephanie McCarter's (2023). If you happen to own a different translation, please bring that along as well for extra fun!
Instructor: Joan Brunetta



Start Date

September 16, 2024









8 Mondays, 5:30-7pm. Begins Sep. 16 No class Oct. 14 & Nov. 11

This class will meet online using Zoom. The Zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you. Please also check your spam folder.
If you register 12 hours or less before the class begins or after the start date, please contact zoom@ccae.org for the link.
Required text: A translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, either C. Luke Soucy's (2023) or Stephanie McCarter's (2023).

Instructors: Joan Brunetta


Joan Brunetta

Joan Brunetta is a native Cantabrigian and was first introduced to Latin at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School as a high school freshman. She quickly developed a love of the language and went on to minor in Classics at Smith College. Joan especially loves teaching beginners and introducing students to the many connections between the Latin and English languages. She also teaches private lessons and lessons for children and can be reached at joanlatinlessons@gmail.com.