Poetry Writing Workshop: Learning from Adrienne Rich *Online* *NEW*

Adrienne Rich, one of the important American poets of the 20th century, began her career as a formal poet and evolved into a political poet concerned with women’s rights and lesbian and gay rights. Though participants can bring poems on any subject, optional exercises include employing an extended metaphor, writing about a seasonal marker, writing an erotic love poem, creating a poetic hologram, and writing using a “holy day” as opposed to a “holiday” as a springboard for a meditation. Instructor: Tom Daley



Start Date

October 1, 2024









8 Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30pm. Begins Oct. 1

This class will meet online using Zoom. The zoom link and information on how to join will be emailed to you. Please also check your spam folder.

Instructors: Tom Daley


Tom Daley

Tom Daley’s poetry has appeared in The Boston Globe, Harvard Review, Massachusetts Review, North American Review, Fence, Denver Quarterly, Crazyhorse, Barrow Street, Prairie Schooner, Witness, Poetry Ireland Review, and elsewhere. Recipient of the Dana Award in Poetry, he is the author of House You Cannot Reach—Poems in the Voice of My Mother and Other Poems (FutureCycle Press). A chapbook, Far Cry, was published by Ethel in the spring of 2022.