Spanish: Low Intermediate *In-Person*
This class is for students who completed at least our 4 Beginner Levels and High Beginner/Low Intermediate classes (approx. 70 hours of instruction) and have a knowledge of Spanish comparable to the entire textbook Aula Internacional 1 Plus and the first chapters of Aula Internacional 2 Plus. Students will continue to work on their speaking and listening skills, practice expressing opinions and wishes, learn more complex grammar, and amplify their vocabulary. Instructor: Martha de la Vega
9 Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 16
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Please note, this class requires the purchase of a textbook: Aula Internacional 2 Plus (ISBN: 978-84-18224-66-9)
Instructors: Martha de la Vega
Martha de la Vega
Martha is a Spanish instructor. She was born and raised in Mexico City. She has a bachelor's degree in Hispanic Literature and Linguistics and a master's degree in Modern and Medieval Languages. She has been teaching Spanish for several years in both groups and one-on-one formats.