What in the World is Sound Healing? *In-Person* *NEW*

It's an ancient protocol of wellness and healing, currently undergoing a global revival as more and more people experience its many benefits for mind, body, and soul. In this 2-hour workshop, sound therapist Joe Hayes will facilitate a journey into the stillness, release, and profound relaxation sound healing offers and a literal 're-tuning' of the Seven Chakras, the body's primary energy centers. Using instruments such as the didgeridoo, the shruti, sacred chant, trance drum, and a full complement of quartz, fusion, and Tibetan sound (aka singing) bowls, Joe will lead us into this deeply therapeutic and profoundly relaxing experience that has been endorsed by the Buddha, Einstein, and, most recently, mainstream health centers like Stanford. An amazing experience you won't forget! Bring a yoga mat, blanket, and pillow, or sit in one of the available chairs. Instructor: Joe Hayes



Start Date

September 22, 2024









4 Sundays, 2-4pm. Sep.22, Oct. 6, Nov. 3 & Dec. 8

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: J.G. Hayes


J.G. Hayes

J. G. (Joe) HAYES is a writer, artist, and sound therapist living in Boston. He is the author of two short story collections (This Thing Called Courage and Now Batting for Boston, the latter of which was named Book of the Year by USA Today in the GLBT category) as well as the novel A Map of the Harbor Islands, all of which deal with growing up gay/being gay in South Boston. He is also the author of a Young Adult novel, When the Bells Tolled At Midnight, an homage to the Hardy Boys books of his youth with a modern twist. For the past fourteen years, he has also the founder/principal of SoundScapers, which offers several sound healing sessions throughout eastern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire at yoga studios, Himalayan Salt caves, and healing centers.