Jennifer Yanco
With the encouragement of CCAE’s Tracy Gibbs, Jennifer developed and facilitated the first White People Challenging Racism: Moving from Talk to Action workshop series at CCAE in the fall of 1999, mentoring new facilitators who have taught the workshop at various venues and who, in turn, have
mentored other new facilitators, in a continuing process of renewal and change. Jennifer grew up in the Pacific Northwest and spent much of the 70s and 80s in Africa — first as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Niger, experiences which forever changed her perspective on herself, the US, and the world. In the 90s she was on the staff of the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, authors of Our Bodies, Ourselves, and from 2003 until 2018, served as the US director of the West African Research Association. Her book, Misremembering Dr. King: Revisiting the Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., was published in January 2014. Jennifer is a long-time resident of Medford.