Exploring Historic House Museums in Greater Boston *In-Person*

The Boston area abounds in historic houses; many of them are open to the public. Join Elizabeth on a journey to explore some of the unique and often lesser-known historic house museums in Greater Boston through a slide show and discussion. Come away with an exciting array of options for local excursions into the past. Students in the class will also receive a copy of the instructor Elizabeth Merrick's book, Be There Then: A Guide to Exploring Greater Boston’s Historic House Museums. Instructor: Elizabeth Merrick



Start Date

December 11, 2024









Wednesday, 3-4:30pm. Dec. 11

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: Elizabeth Merrick


Elizabeth Merrick

Elizabeth L. Merrick is a lifelong aficionado of historic buildings and is fascinated by Massachusetts history. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Policy from Brandeis University. Following a career in health services research, she has devoted much of her time to pursuing her love of all things historical. She published "Be There Then: A Guide to Exploring Greater Boston's Historic House Museums" in 2014 and also served as a tour guide at the Royall House and Slave Quarters for 10 years. Since 2017, Elizabeth has taught classes at CCAE on Boston-area historic sites and local history.