Japanese Woodblock Printmaking *In-Person*

Japanese woodblock printmaking is defined by the way the blocks are carved and printed, the kind and preparation of the paper, the kind of ink and how it is applied, but, mostly, by the approach to the work. The many subtle layers of the process will provide a lifetime of challenges and opportunities. We will approach this introduction with equal parts levity and seriousness, and before long you will be on your way. New and continuing printmakers are encouraged to participate, and the mix enriches the experience. If you have any questions, email the instructor at danparet@gmail.com Instructor: Dan Paret



Start Date

February 11, 2025









5 Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Begins Feb. 11
All materials, tools, and supplies will be provided by the instructor. The materials and supplies fee is $30, payable to the instructor in the first class-cash or Venmo, please.

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: Dan Paret


Dan Paret

Dan has been working wood for nearly thirty years, professionally as a home renovation contractor, avocationally as a maker of cabinets and boxes, and finally as a professional woodworker making both custom and speculative cabinets and boxes. Since 2002, he has been doing all of his woodworking with hand tools. In his classes he attempts to create an environment that is both challenging and supportive, with equal measures of seriousness and levity.

Website: planesimplebox.com