Beginner Recorder *In-Person* *NEW*

The recorder is the most played instrument in the world. Its enchanting tone and a vast repertoire of early, classical, popular, and world music styles make it popular with amateurs and professionals alike. Its ergonomic design allows players with no previous experience to discover a great variety of sounds and creative possibilities instantly. Discover the basic recorder technique while exploring various solo and ensemble repertoires. Instruments will be available for purchase from the instructor. Instructor: Jamie Allen



Start Date

January 23, 2025









9 Thursdays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 23

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling

Instructors: Jamie Allen


Jamie Allen

Jamie Allen has over 30 years of experience as a composer, conductor, performer, and music educator. He spent 10 years as the Children's Chorus Director for the Santa Fe Opera, 15 years as the Director of Education for the Dallas Symphony, and the last few years as Director of Artistic Operations for the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra & Music School. He currently composes full time, serves as music director for the Rhode Island Recorder Society, and performs with the Boston Recorder Orchestra.