An Introduction to Secular Meditation and Its Psychology *In-Person*

People often meditate to feel more peace and clarity. However, meditation is not easy. This class approaches meditation with these challenges in mind. Participants will be taught the basic mechanics of mindfulness-style meditation to understand how meditation leads to beneficial results and to troubleshoot difficulties that arise. The instruction will be a mixture of formal meditation and lectures on psychological theory. The theory is based on Buddhist psychology, but the class will be purely secular (no references to supernatural processes)."At-home meditations will be assigned. Appropriate for any level. Instructor: Doug Greve



Start Date

January 29, 2025









5 Wednesdays, 6-7:30pm. Begins Jan. 29

This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.

Instructors: Doug Greve


Doug Greve

Doug Greve has been meditating since 2008 when he was a subject in a brain imaging study of mindfulness meditation. Since then, he has studied and been trained in early Buddhist psychological theory which he applies to his meditation in daily practice and intensive retreats. Professionally, Doug is an associate professor of radiology at MGB/Harvard studying brain imaging and neuroscience. He has taught meditation at CCAE and the Tufts Osher Lifelong Learning Institute since Winter of 2023.