Singles Mingle Chocolate Tasting *In-Person* *NEW*
Join us at CCAE for an evening of chocolate tasting and possible friendship or even romance! This is not your typical singles event! It has been shown that people are able to find bonds more easily when engaging in a shared experience that involves learning new things. At this event, we’re going to teach you some new things about chocolate, and as you sit and learn and taste and enjoy, you might just find something interesting about someone new who is sharing the experience with you. Guests will be seated for a series of guided tastings of curated craft chocolate, with guests switching tables each round for circulation. Folks who feel a connection will be able to exchange information before the conclusion of the event. Everyone will get to learn about and taste some great chocolate, and all participants will receive an extra sweet treat to go home with!
Instructor: Victoria Kichuk
SIMI-WI25.02 *40+ Group*
Friday, 6-8pm. Feb. 28. This section is for attendees that are 40+ years old.
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Instructors: Victoria E. Kichuk
Victoria E. Kichuk
A chocolate educator, writer, and tour guide for almost 15 years, Victoria Kichuk, and her company, Cocoa Beantown, brings a truly unique blend of engaging storytelling abilities with an accessible approach to food education that ushers audiences toward a new appreciation of chocolate while learning about its greater historical, geographical, scientific, or cultural context. Her exceptional ability to foster a sense of connection --both amongst event attendees and to the greater chocolate world, makes her events both tremendously enjoyable and incredibly memorable. Career highlights include visiting cacao farms in Colombia in 2019 and collaborating on chocolate educational events as invited by Dr. Carla Martin of the Fine Cacao and Chocolate Institute at Harvard University.