iPhone/iPad Settings: Where All the Secrets Hide *In-Person* *NEW*
There are many adjustments and tweaks you can make in the Settings Screen that will change how your iPhone/iPad behaves. In Settings, you can adjust the font size, ring tones, privacy settings, passcodes, screen wallpaper, notifications, updates, and battery life. By fully understanding these settings, you can take complete control of your device and customize it to your needs. This course is for individuals who have basic familiarity with their iPhones and/or iPads and want to take the next step. Instructor: Marjorie Wein
Thursday, 2-4pm. Mar. 13 Please note: CCAE requires students to use their own devices for Computer classes.
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling
Instructors: Marjorie Wein
Tuesday, 2-4pm. Apr. 29. Please note: CCAE requires students to use their own devices for Computer classes.
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling
Instructors: Marjorie Wein
Marjorie Wein
Wize Guides, https://wizeguides.net