Full Body Massage Techniques with a Partner *In-Person*
Bring a friend or significant other to learn basic Esalen/Swedish massage strokes through lectures, discussion, demonstration, and supervised practice. The Saturday class takes more time to cover the worksheet on massage strokes for the back and uses an extended syllabus that includes legs and feet. Each participant can look forward to a 90-minute massage. Each pair should bring two pillows, two sheets or large towels, and a squeeze oil bottle. Wear loose, comfortable clothing to be able to massage the entire back. Women should wear a low–back bathing suit halter/bathing suit top that opens in the back. Instructor: Eric Bornstein
Friday, 6:45-9:45pm. Mar. 21
$140 per pair
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Instructors: Eric Bornstein
Friday, 6:45-9:45pm.Apr. 11
$140 per pair
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Instructors: Eric Bornstein
Saturday, 10:00am-3:30pm. Apr. 12
$220 per pair
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Instructors: Eric Bornstein
Eric Bornstein
M.L.A., Harvard University; Artist; Kripalu-Certified Yoga Instructor; Nationally Certified Jujitsu Instructor.