Introduction to Bookbinding *In-Person*
The 4-week course will provide students an introduction to various types of bookbinding techniques and terminology. We will begin with simple folded structures and simple stitch books, building skills to assemble more complicated stitched structures. This course is a great way to familiarize yourself with bookbinding and is perfect for those who are curious about the craft. Instructor: Liticia Avery
4 Wednesdays, 5:30-8:30pm. Apr. 2
View Class Supply List
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.
Instructors: Liticia Avery
Liticia Avery
Liticia Avery, bookmaker & artist
Liticia Avery is a book making maven. Her artistic roots began as an adolescent using photography as a medium for processing the world and the human experience. She loves making books and imagining what ideas and creativity will live on the pages she has bound together for the book buyer. When she isn’t making or selling her wares, she is teaching acroyoga, going on bike based adventures, building community, and participating in movement that makes her mind and body happy.
instagram: @lendahanddesigns